Nagpur SPCA - How it all started

A lot of people I interacted with in Nagpur were not aware of SPCA and that it exists in Nagpur. Nagpur SPCA stands for Nagpur Society for Prevention of Cruelty against Animals and is affiliated to RSPCA, UK. It has been around since 1971. Till 1984, it was what the present Executive President, Dr. Kailash Marwah calls, a drawing-room society. Like minded people would meet at somebody's place and discuss the steps that needed to be taken to prevent cruelty to animals. After enjoying their tea and sandwiches , everybody would disperse till the next meeting. It was in 1988 that the animals in Nagpur saw a ray of hope when Dr.Kailash Marwah ( M.V.Sc, Ph.D) took over as Executive President. Under him, the society came out of the drawing rooms and got its hands dirty. There now exists a shelter on Katol Road for the sick, abandoned and stray animals of Nagpur and its adjoining areas. There are 3 common kennels for the abandoned pets and 5 boarding kennels for the pampered pets. There is a doctor on duty and two 24 hour assistants. There is also a pet grooming parlour on campus.More information can be had at


Anonymous said…
Update your Phone numbers!
every reciever says "wrong number" :\
R.I.P my cat :(

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