Dr Marwah Speaks - For Pet's Sake

This is a very interesting article written by Dr.Marwah,that appeared in a leading English daily in Nagpur.This article is a must read for all prospective pet parents as well as those who are already blessed with pets.

No other animal enjoys petting as much as a dog. Whether dog or not, the basic principles discussed here remain same for any acquired animal.
To begin with, it is of utmost importance to decide whether one needs a pet, whether they are in a position to maintain a pet for an average life of 7-8 years?
After you have thought over the pros and cons of keeping a pet and have decided to keep a pet, your responsibilities start the moment you select a breed, sex and a pet.In fact the responsibility starts before the pet enters the house. You have to make sure that the pet has their own bedding,their own place in the house and their feeding bowls and most importantly an accident free house.
During the growing stages, dogs need company as much as man. Dogs should not be left alone for extended periods of time as it is cruel.Before leaving a pet alone, they should be taken for a long walk so that their energy is spent. The radio/TV should be left on so that they associate that with presence of someone at home.However, best alternative is to get them another compatible animal with whom they can play and share their views.
When we see pet parents and their pets out for a walk early morning or late evening, the casualness is quite visible. Grooming, walking, bathing a pet is the contact time between a pet and the parent. This is the time for interaction. What is normally seen is that the pet is allowed to roam free off the leash or given a long rope. Firstly, no dog should be allowed to roam outside without a collar and a leash.
Secondly,it is very important to note where and what your pet is sniffing and taking in his mouth. Most important is to observe their defectaion. The parent must know the normal color and consistency of the feaces. Any change can give you an indication of sickness in a pet - worm load for eg: tape worm larvea which appear like mobile, flat, rice grains.These observations are of tremendous value and give vital information to the vet.
Eating habits is another responsibility of the parent.Too many pet parents feed their dog as a means of soliciting their love and affection.A dog that insists for one food over another is involved in some neurotic game with the parent.It is misunderstood that pets are meat owners only.In wild, meat did comprise of the main food but centuries of domestication have made them used to other food also.As a rule, spicy food should not be given. Chocolates and onions are prohibited.Salt is not necessary but can be given in very small quantities if required.Rice can be given to dogs freely. Sweets are prohibited.A pet shuld never be fed directly from the table. Imagine a situation where sweets/biscuits are kept for guests and your pet sits there drooling and staring and following the movement of the food from the plate to the mouth. Worse would be the pet pouncing on the food.
Another aspect is spoon fedding or cajoling the pet to eat. I for one do not vouch for it. If food is available, no pet would die of hunger. Place their food at the usual time and call the pet. If they eat, its good else call the pet again after 30 minutes. If the pet still does not eat, trow away the food, wash the bowl and place it upside diwn - lunch time is over.Repeat at dinner time and the following days. It is established that if water is available, the pet can starve for over 15 days. Each and every family member has to strictly follow this and not even a biscuit should be given to the pet.
In apartments, parents tend to keep their pet chained or free in the balcony. It is good becuase they can observe the outside world and kill their boredom. However, just like you would ensure for your human children, make sure that the railing is closed with a mesh, lest an overenthusiatic pet squeeze through and fall accidently.
Lastly, the pet has to be disciplined at all costs.There is no point is saying that " My pet refuses to be groomed" or " is uncontrollable". Teaching all this to a pet is your responsibility. If need be, one can take professional help.
So keep all these points in your mind before you get a pet and improve your observations and efforts if you already have a pet. Let there be a title with your name - "Responsible Pet Owner"


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