Dr Marwah Speaks - Dog as Companion

This is an extract from one of the series of articles of Dr.Kailash Marwah that have appeared in newspapers in Nagpur.
Dogs have been companion to man since ages. As a matter of fact, wherever civilization has been recorded, the presence of dog has always been felt.It has been hypothesized that dogs may have originated in both hemispheres and has been domesticated in at least three separate places.In the northern hemisphere, the wolves and coyotes closely resembled the dog that attached themselves to man. In the southern hemisphere, the jackal and dingo likewise resemble many breeds of domestic dogs.
....By virtue of his superiority in scent, hearing and selfless love,the dog has become a sentry, a spy, a guide and to beat it all, a healer. He is dumb but full of expression as a companion for all ages.There is no parallel for him in the entire animal kingdom.
Yet what do most of the dogs get - chained most of the time, confined for long hours and at best, two square meals. Is that what we wish to give to a dog who selflessly spends his life at his master's feet? The street dogs or the 'pariah' dogs are the worst sufferers. Most of them end up in either cruel accidents, unconstitutional poisoning , barbaric gas chambers or dog pounds.
...The animal is not a toy or an animated substitue for an inanimated object.It is not an expensive toy which you can keep in showcase and throw away when outdated.Since pets are initially playmates for children, children should be taught to be concerned and responsible over companion animals. It should not be forgotten that pets too have feelings like fear and moments of joy.We must respect their feelings as we would like ours to be respected. It has been proved that children growing up with pets prove to be more reasonable, compassionate and responsible citizens. At the same time it has been proved that children who are intentionally cruel towards animals are likely to grow up to be violent criminals. Hence a word of caution to parents who are indifferent and cruel towards animals. Your casual attitude may turn out to be a nightmare for you. So watch your children and teach them the lesson of compassion towards animals.
Through this article it is our endaevour to make a dogs life happier if not exactly what they deserve. Keeping a pup is possible every child's dream. Let us not forget two things :
a) All young ones look cute and tempting to be taken home.
b) All young ones grow and become adults featuring nothing similar to what they looked like.


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