Dr Marwah Speaks- Will it be a girl or a boy?

In my practice, there are unaccountable instances where parents want to gift a pup to their child or pup being gifted to please the boss or people who are of concern in one’s business. Think again before doing so. It is not a commodity but a small creature that needs lot of care and attention. Does the new owner have genuine interest, time, and reciprocal love for pets? If not so, you would be doing a great injustice to the pet, who may have to live a dejected life and may turn out to be a burden than a companion. You would be equally responsible for the misery of the pet.

However, if you insist on having a pure breed then look into the plus and minus points of the breeds you intend to keep.

Visit such breed owners, talk to them about problems, a couple of vets, read books on such breeds and then narrow down your choice. For e.g. German shepherd (Alsatian) is a one-man dog and needs firm handling. Do not go by his popularity rating. Most of them have a problem of ears, lumber weakness, and unpredictable nature. They need attention, exercise, and fair amount of grooming. Doberman – elegant, short-coat and intelligent. They are voracious eaters and at the same time have poor digestion. Many of them get difficult to treat skin problems. Pomeranians, Lhasa etc are cute looking pets but have long coats which is difficult to maintain unless they are brushed and combed two times every day. They require less space and eat less also. The less eating should be no compliment since they eat only choicest of things and are very fussy over every other thing. They are very temperamental and would come to you when they want to and not when you call them. Of course all these are on “in general basis”. Not all are like that.

Girl or Boy: Now, after you have decided on the breed, the next question is, which sex? Male or a female. Apart from those who intend breeding, very few people opt for a female pup. Female pup is only a reluctant second choice. Reason is she comes in season and is messy at that time, invites outside dogs who queue up outside the gate. This is only twice in an year and that can also be postponed to two years interval by injections or neutered to solve the problem for ever. What is forgotten is that a female dog is more home loving, obedient, loyal and easy to train and handle.
How do you answer for a male dog who tries to become a dominant member of the family, who is courting round the year looking for the first opportunity to run away from home to mate with outside stray female? Whether he succeeds in it or not but most of them end up getting bashed up by street gang and may pick up veneral and skin diseases. Imagine a male dog showing mounting / riding behaviour on you or guest’s leg or even on sofa. Isn’t it embarrassing? If all these are stopped forcefully then he becomes irritable and starting with just one snarl becomes a hard core professional biter. Number of male dogs which come for psychological counselling are much more than female dogs. Ultimately, the male has to be neutered to bring down his aggressive behaviour, which remains in his subconscious and may erupt unpredictably. This leaves a big gap between master-pet relationship, which is not what either of them look for. Further, the male dog seems to have a bottomless bladder, evacuating at every opportunity.

For welfare and stress free life for you and your pet, they should be castrated at the age of 2 months.


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