Dr Marwah Speaks- Who should have a pet

Here is an article written by Dr.Marwah, which is very close to my heart also. We come across some heart rending cases in SPCA where canines are brought as recreational toys and once the pet owner understands the amount of responsibility involved, they coolly leave the dog to die on the streets.Would they do this to their own child or an elderly parent? Maybe yes!

It should never be forgotten that no pet is suitable for all homes as not all homes are suitable for pets. There are some very critical points that one must consider before even going for selecting a pet. It’s like having a new baby at home. Check with the following points:
1.Need: It’s often seen that pets are kept for the sake of keeping or fun for children. No, they are not toys which can be dumped when you don’t need them any more. Some keep as a status symbol just because the next door neighbour has a good looking pet. Again, think twice, since the next door neighbour might personally be giving time to the pet, which your life style may not permit.

2.Time: Does your life style permit you to keep a pet? Can you spare, willingly, time for the pet? This may include feeding, grooming, taking the dog out for a walk, visit to the vet, playing and spending time with him. Don’t forget it is like having a baby at home, who would want all the attention. Pups need plenty of human contact, specially between 6-12 weeks i.e. socialization period. If they do not have that contact and experience they may make very unsatisfying puppies. That’s not their fault. It’s the environment that you gave to them.

3.Money: Buying a pet may not cost as much as bringing him up and help him live a happier and healthier life. Timely vaccinations, deworming, visiting the vet in case of need, medication etc all cost money and to save on that is like being penny wise and pound foolish. You may achieve the satisfaction of skipping one of these things but once the pet suffers, then the choke is between spending more or mercilessly leaving him to his fate. In my experience as a practicing vet, there have been innumerable instances, when in the pet was kept with great celebrations but it ended up as a matted, poorly looked after pet or worse, on the street. Don’t forget, the dog did not opt for your home. You brought him home, so the moral responsibility is yours.

4.Consent: Keeping a pet is a joint venture and all the family members are responsible for his up keep and well-being this should be clearly understood by all. It is vital that the lady of the house should give her consent, not consent under pressure, to keep a pet, for it is she who has to do the most, let it be cooking food, feeding, looking into his needs, cleaning the sofa, carpet off his hair etc. On top of this, in case of sickness, it is expected of her to take the pet to the vet and take leave from jobs.

5.Vacation: One of the most important aspect in pet keeping is often forgotten and later regretted. One must think of vacation of certain family function where all the members of the family will have to do. Now what do we do with the pet? Very few cities have no kennel (lodging and boarding) facilities for pets. At many places even if they do exist, they are not maintained professionally. That’s their part time job. Further, feeding a pup as much cheaper than what one has to pay for the lodging and boarding. It’s not always easy to find a loving, willing home for your pet. Such relative and friends are scarce and further one can’t ask for such favours every time. So, think this over major problem or else be prepared to take your pet with you when you go on a vacation.

Once you have thought over these problems relating to pet keeping, the next point to consider is “What Breed”. There have been over 2000 distinct breeds in the world at different times out of which about 400 exist today. It should be known that no single breed is suitable for every house. One must give due consideration to pariah dogs and cross breed also. These have distinct advantages over pure breed dogs, like they are very resistant to many diseases which bring down their vet care bill and they have lesser genetic drawbacks. The only point which outweighs every thing is that they may not add to your status. But believe me, pariahs and crossbred dogs can be as good a companion, intelligent and loyal as any other pure breed. Further, by adopting such a pet, you are reducing the number of such neglected dogs on the street left at the mercy of citizens and civic bodies. So, give a serious thought to it.

One has to be very particular and calculating before he accepts a pet in home. It’s after all life time unwritten memorandum of understanding (MoU). Don’t forget that destiny of your pet is in your hands. Because of their long association with man, they ought to deserve equal consideration as one would give to, for choosing a life partner. One can put a final “STAMP” on the fate of a pet if he doesn’t care to look into the details.


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