Dr Marwah Speaks- Will it be a girl or a boy?
In my practice, there are unaccountable instances where parents want to gift a pup to their child or pup being gifted to please the boss or people who are of concern in one’s business. Think again before doing so. It is not a commodity but a small creature that needs lot of care and attention. Does the new owner have genuine interest, time, and reciprocal love for pets? If not so, you would be doing a great injustice to the pet, who may have to live a dejected life and may turn out to be a burden than a companion. You would be equally responsible for the misery of the pet. However, if you insist on having a pure breed then look into the plus and minus points of the breeds you intend to keep. Visit such breed owners, talk to them about problems, a couple of vets, read books on such breeds and then narrow down your choice. For e.g. German shepherd (Alsatian) is a one-man dog and needs firm handling. Do not go by his popularity rating. Most of them have a problem of ears, lumber weaknes...