The Milk that We Drink

I met a lady the other day who believed that cows and buffaloes have special ability to give milk all year round and dont really need to be pregnant and deliver calves before producing milk! I realized that it may be something most people might believe since we dont usually milk our own animals.
I milked my first cow this week and it was tough. After securing the cow and cleaning her udder, while the attendant watched indulgently, I first did the“stripping” of the teats. It is the process of pulling down a cow’s teat (using a normal milking grip) in order to pass any dirt, bacteria, or other debris from the milk ducts.This milk is generally not clean and should not be consumed. Then I began milking by gently clamping each teat between the thumb and first finger, so that the milk squirted in the bucket held between my knees. Then I gently and firmly while maintaining my grip on the base of the teat so that the milk doesn’t flow back up into the udder, continued milking the cow. Our farm will soon get the milking machine and that should be a lot faster.
Cows are mammals, just like us humans. So cows only lactate after they have given birth to baby calves. We usually maintain a drying off period between two pregnancies but the inter calving period is between 60-90 days. 


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