Neuter your pets and community dogs

I never understand why people dont neuter their dogs and cats. Most people are not interested in getting their pets mated, so taking chances with unwanted pregnancies and it's complications is something I never tire of telling my clients.

So when Worldwide Veterinary Services came to Nagpur for their surgical camp for training vets in spay-castration techniques, I jumped at the chance and joined. The two week long course was very intensive with theory lectures on welfare, understanding the drugs we use, the aseptic techniques for neutering operations and assessing the post-op dogs on the Glasgow Pain scale.

I and my partner, Dr. Neeti each operated on two females and two males daily, taking turns with the anesthesia. If you ask me, performing the surgery is a cakewalk compared to monitoring the anesthesia. But Propofol, the wonder drug kept me sane!

So why should we neuter our pets? Firstly for health reasons- it prevents complications like mammary glad tumors and prostate cancers in old age. It also helps settle a hyperactive dog because the need to look for a female dog in heat is much reduced. Also, India with its population of street dogs does not need more dogs crowding her streets. Most often, these puppies end up on the streets and die of diseases and hunger.

So let me say this again- neuter your pet and community dogs! 


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