Baby human and dogs

When people around me realized that I was expecting my first child, they all came to advice me on getting rid of my dogs. Dogs will bite my child, the child will lick dog hair and it will form a ball in it's stomach (!) and many more reasons...
I patiently heard each one out and left it at that. My son came along on a cold January day and when I brought him home, I kept the dogs away from him. They clustered around at the restriction gate and did not bark even once! They knew! I gave in and took my son out to them to be sniffed at and accepted in the pack. As my son grew, so did his antics but not even once did they growl at him or try to bite. Some would gently nudge him away if he got too boisterous or just walk away. I think they are more mature than some humans I know. Now I am at a point where I have to protect the dogs and tell my son to not torment them. 


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