Dogs and Cats: Doing What Is Best for Them
What You Can Do
1. Spay or neuter dogs and cats, including stray animals. Make sure stray animals are taken back to the exact spot where they were found after they recover from surgery. Stray animals who are taken to unfamiliar territory will likely be attacked by animals who have already claimed that territory as their own. They will also not know where to find food or water.
2. Adopt from animal shelters or from the street – never buy from a pet shop. And don't forget about adult animals, who are often overlooked by people who are looking for a puppy or kitten.
3. Work within your community to get mandatory and humane spaying and neutering legislation passed.
4. If someone is planning to breed an animal, speak out against it.
5. Point out neglect. If you see an animal being neglected, talk to his or her guardian, send a letter or contact an animal welfare society. Be persistent!
6. Walk and play daily with your companion animals.
7. If possible, adopt two animals of the same species. Animals need the companionship of other animals. Having an animal friend can help alleviate the boredom and loneliness of long hours spent waiting for you to come home.


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