3 Questions to Ask Before Adopting a Pet

As a vet, people often ask me for advice about adopting a pet. I ask them just three questions. Does the lady of the house love dogs/cats/hamsters/rabbits/guinea pigs etc? A pet is for life. Are they willing to make a commitment to take care of their pet for the rest of its life, in sickness and in health? Are they willing to spend time and effort to understand their pet, their needs, their food habits, their temperament and adjust to it? If the answer to even one of the above questions is 'No', then the family is not ready for a pet.Let me explain. If your mother/sister/wife does not like pets, then never, ever adopt one. Hoping that she will have a change of heart, is unfair to her and to your pet. The house is the lady's nest. Whether she comes back home from a long day in office or is a homemaker, she expects her nest to look and smell a certain way. Having a pet can change that drastically. Dog/cat hair of sofa, dog urine and poop in the balcony, a pun...